Americanism Committee
Chairperson – Eileen Linvll
The Goals of Americanism
The ambition and goal of the Americanism Program is to quicken the spirit
of American patriotism and to stimulate an awareness — a genuine feeling
of pride and respect toward patriotism — so that we as Members of the
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will become constant reminders
to the people of our Nation that America truly means freedom and that Elks Care and Elks Share.
The Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee and State Association and Local Lodge
Americanism Committees are charged with implementing the patriotic activitites
of the Order. Each Lodge should take part in as many of these programs as
possible to have a diversified impact for Americanism in their area.
Creation of the Elks Americanism Committee
At the Grand Lodge Convention in 1961 at Miami Beach, the committee on Americanism was created and charged with “implementing the patriotic activities of the Order and its subordinate Lodges.” The creation of the Elks Americanism Committee in 1961 met an important need in a critical time in our history. The Committee provided our Lodges with constructive and definite programs for strengthening the spirit of American patriotism in their communities, and vigorously promoting their use. The response of our Lodges was both prompt and enthusiastic, and the result has been a tremendous expansion in the Order’s patriotic activities… and a major contribution to the security of this nation. Our government has, time and again, enlisted the aid of the Order in patriotic undertakings where civilian cooperation was deemed essential. Membership in the Order of Elks is a “badge of citizenship”, for none but an American can be an Elk. “Love of Country, home and Mind” are its principal tenets, and our country’s flag is raised in silken benediction over the Altar of every Elks Lodge. With its all-pervading spirit of good will, the Order makes an irresistible appeal to men and women who deeply love their country, cherish fraternal association, and welcome an opportunity to serve their communities.
More information on Americanism can be found on
Americanism Essay Contest
A program of the Elks’ Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee, this contest is geared towards students in 5th through 8th grades to promote patriotism among young people. Click here to Download Application Packet
This year’s theme is “What does Patriotism Mean to Me”
- At the time of the contest, eligible participants must be Students enrolled in one of these four divisions: I—5th grade; II—6th grade; III—7th grade; or IV—8th grade.
- Essay length is not to exceed 300 words.
- Essay must be typed or legibly printed in ink. Also, Essay must be submitted as written (or typed) by the entrant.
- Essay must be submitted for judging to the Elks Lodge nearest to the address of the entrant.
- Participant must be identified by name, grade, school attending and sponsoring Elks Lodge on the Essay.
Plaques will be awarded by Grand Lodge for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place for national winning essays in Divisions I, II, III, and IV. Monetary awards will be disbursed for each grade level for 1st Place—$1,000; 2nd Place—$500; and 3rd Place—$250. Winners will be announced at the Grand Lodge Session.
Application Packet
Click the large button to the right of this year’s theme to download the application materials. All applications must include the cover page to identify the student and local Elks Lodge it is submitted to. Essay should be submitted to your nearest local Elks Lodge on/before December 15, 2024.